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You Can T Not Be Feeling This

6 ���������: giving, proportion, take, strain, temper, tired, building, getting. ��������� �����, ���������� ������ �������.

1 � ������ ������ ����� ������� �������� ��� �����!

2 ��� ��� ������� ��, ��� � �������. ��� ������������� ������������ ����!

3 � ����� ��������. � �� ���� ��� ������ ����������!

4 ��� �� ��� �����, ��� �������, ������. �� ����� �� ���� �����!

5 ��� ���� ��� ����. � ����� ����� �� ���� � ��� �����.

6 � �����, ��� �� ��������� ���������� ����� ������� ���������.

7 � �� ������ ��� ����� ������� ������. ��� ��������� ��������� ������.

8 ��� �������� �� ���� ��� �����.

������� #

1 tired (sick and tired - ������ ������)

2 getting (get down - ��������������)

3 take (����������)

4 proportion (get things out of proportion - ��������� ��������, ������ �� ���� �����)

5 temper (lost temper - ����� �� ����)

6 strain (����������)

7 building (buil up - ���������, �����������)

8 giving (give a hard time - �� ������ �����, ��������� �����)

�������� �������� �� ������� �� �������� ���� �������, ������ ���� 11 �����, �����������:

6 Fill in: giving, proportion, take, strain, temper, tired, building, getting....

1 I'm just sick and ... of doing exams...

2 I'm so fed up with the way I look. It's...

3 I'm losing control. I can't ... it any more!

4 Things aren't as bad as they seem, Tracy. Don't get...

You're studying hard for your A-levels*, you've got a part time job, your parents are in the middle of 1)......... a divorce and you're worried that your best friend is mad at you....

Sound familiar? Well, you're not 2)...........because 92% of British teens feel stressed. So, as the pressure mounts in the run-up to exams, we thought we'd give you the lowdown on what stress is and...

The lowdown on stress

In a nutshell, "stress" is the 3)....our bodies and minds react to life's changes. Not all stress is bad! In stressful situations, the nervous system causes muscles to tense, breathing to become shallow and adrenaline to be released into your bloodstream as your body gets ready to 4) .... challenges with focus and strength. So, a little stress can keep you on your toes! But, in the long term, it can put too much strain on your heart and cause other physical and emotional symptoms such as headaches, depression,...


A is for ACTION

You can take action when stress is created by something you can control! If you have too many things to do, for example, try to break tasks down into smaller 'chunks', and deal with one thing at a time in order of priority. Perhaps it's just that you've taken on too much! If so, give 5)... an afterschool activity for a...

B is for BEARIT

If there's nothing you can do, you'll just have to 'grin and bear it'! If, at first, you can't change your feelings, leam how to control your thoughts. When you feel overwhelmed, take slow, 6) ... breaths and count to ten. Later, once you've calmed down, analyse the problem rationally. Perhaps you could repeat a saying to help you accept your situation, such as "One day I'll laugh about this". Also, try to keep things in perspective and don't be too...

C is for COPE

Find ways to hendle your stress! For a start, doing something as going for a walk or for a coffe with a friend, help take your 7) .......... off the things that are bugging you. Or perhaps witing poetry or keeping a diary will help you to 8) ..... with your negative emotions. Last but not least, getting enough, exercising and eating regular, nutritious meals are all essential for coping with stress! Above all,...

5 Jo makes me so angry. I lost my .......... with her...

6 I think he's feeling the........... of his...

7 I haven't just started feeling stressed. It's been...

8 My parents a hard time.

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You Can T Not Be Feeling This
