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How to Play Solitaire

When you've got some time to fill, a game of cards can be the perfect activity. A game of Solitaire is often ideal, because you don't even need an opponent. Play with a deck of cards, on your computer or with an app on your mobile device.

Setting Up the Solitaire Card Game

Shuffle a deck of cards and deal the tableau. From left to right, place one card face up and then place six more cards in a row, all facing down. Start over on the left, placing one card face up on the second card from the left, then placing five more cards face down in each pile. Continue the same process until you have seven piles, each with a card facing up.

How to Play Solitaire Card Game

Hold the remaining cards in your hand, facing down. Take the top three cards from the pile and turn them over. Looking at the top card, attempt to play it on the cards facing up in the tableau. Play occurs in descending order, red cards on black or black cards on red. Kings are high and aces are low. Play the top card in your hand, and move to the next card to play if possible. Watch the piles of cards in the tableau. If you can move groups of face-up cards to other piles of face-up cards to build on descending runs, do so. If an open spot occurs on the tableau, you can move a king into this open space. Continue playing the face-up cards in your hand until you can't play any more, and then turn up another three cards to repeat the process. When you get to the bottom of your hand cards, start over from the top.

When your aces appear in the face-up cards of the tableau or in your hand cards, move them face-up to a separate row of cards above the tableau. Make a pile of each suit, ascending from ace to king as you play and the cards become available. You can play cards on the ascending piles from your hand pile or from the tableau, using only the top face-up cards.

Winning or Losing Solitaire

Continue turning over groups of three cards and moving face-up cards from pile to pile as possible. Continue moving cards up to the ascending piles as well. Play continues until you've executed all possible moves. You win Solitaire if you make four complete piles of cards of each suit. You lose Solitaire if you can't make any more moves and you haven't completed the four ascending piles.

Play Solitaire Online

Electronic Solitaire is widely available. For example, you can play Solitaire for free on many different websites. You can also play Solitaire on a mobile device with an app that you download to your device. Often, these apps are free, but you might download one for a small price.

More Card Games

If you're looking for computer card games that involve opponents, you have a variety of options.

Many operating systems have native games installed that include Hearts the card game and the original Freecell card game. You can also find online versions of these games as well as apps to download to a mobile device. Of course, there's always the option of breaking out a deck of cards and playing Hearts or Freecell.

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